12 Steps to Deep Inner Healing

Learn How to Achieve Inner-Healing with
12 Steps to Deep Inner Healing

Learn How to Achieve Inner-Healing with Our 12 Steps to Deep Inner Healing Course

These teachings are designed to trigger your ability to open your mind and spirit to reveal a clearer perception of yourself, and open you for inner healing and improved connection to spirit. Just 20 minutes a day for two weeks will begin a journey that can and will transform your life.

Healing is the result of allowing errors to be undone. Since we are all perfect creations in our true form, our perception of our existence here is simply an error in how we have accepted ourselves. So if we were to open our mind and spirit to see ourselves for who we really are, healing would take place.

These 12 Steps to Deep Inner Healing are designed to trigger your ability to open your mind and spirit to reveal a clearer perception of yourself. This results in you becoming more open for inner healing and improved connection to spirit.

Just 20 minutes a day for two weeks will begin a journey that can and will transform your life. You will eventually do this some day. Why not now?

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To help you work into this gradually and most effectively, this course is broken into 12 daily sessions. Each session digs deeper into providing methods and ideas that will help you gain a greater capacity to free yourself of many of your current limitations of mind, and will lead you on a path to daily discovery, growth and inner healing.

If you don't need a sample, the complete book is also available on Amazon in Kindle E-book and Softcover Formats

If so, these lessons will teach you How To:

Find/Create Your Quiet Space
Insights and ideas on setting up a quiet place to meditate and pray.

Settle Your Thoughts and Relax
Training on quieting your mind and releasing your thought.

Clear Your Energy and Chakras
First learn to restore your own energy flow.

Connect with Your Guides, Ascended Masters and Angels
See how to connect with spirit and the benefits of doing so.

Accept Yourself as Being Worthy
Learn to set your ego aside and see yourself as does your creator

Release Bindings, Bonds, Agreements, And Contracts
We're all tied up. get insights and lessons on how to release unhelpful things.

Release Your Guilt and Fear
See how guilt and fear are binding and learn to release them.

Hand Over Your Thoughts to (Holy) Spirit for Correction
A mind is a terrible thing to fill with unhelpful thoughts. Learn how to undo this.

Follow The Threads of Your Thoughts
Learn the deeper reasons behind why you do what you do, and find healing.

Release Entanglements and Cords
Your energy gets twisted in with so many things. Learn how to set things straight.

Open Your Mind, Be Quiet, Listen, And Receive Guidance
It's all about being open and finding focus. Learn how to get there yourself.

Extend Love, Light and Healing
The Deep Healing Light that initiates all miracles is inside you. Time to let it out.

Each lesson builds on the previous lesson and gradually teaches you and guides you towards a place where you open more and allow more, with a potential result of you allowing yourself to become a channel for healing.

Most lessons take less than 20 minutes to read, however, extra time during and after the lesson will be necessary to carry out any suggested exercises. The general format for each lesson includes the following information:

12 Steps to Deep Inner Healing - Book Cover

These 12 Steps to Deep Inner Healing are significantly more helpful than they might first appear. Each step is carefully designed to kickstart your ability to discover yourself and heal. They can unlock your mind and spirit, revealing a more straightforward and more genuine view of who you are.

These steps aren't just about changing yourself; they connect your personal experience with something spiritual. With each step, you build a connection that goes beyond the everyday world, letting you tap into a source of guidance and wisdom that's more than just ordinary. This deeper connection acts like a guiding light, lighting up your path and giving your journey a sense of purpose and direction.

Once complete, you can use these sessions in whole or in part as a template for how you interact with spirit for the rest of your life, or until a clearer direction or perception presents itself. Nothing is changeless, so even what I teach here is simply what I know is best at this time, so this is a wonderful place for you to start and evolve into what works best for you.

If you don't need a sample, the complete book is also available on Amazon in Kindle e-Book and Softcover Formats

You can start the course for FREE today and begin a journey that can and will transform your life. The first 2 lessons are FREE, so this is something you can simply choose to start right now. This course originally sold for $35, but was reformatted into book form so that it is very affordable to anyone looking to work on their spirituality.

Register to Download the Free Sample Version below


Suggested Accessories

If you do not already have the accessories suggested within the book, see our Recommended Meditation Accessories

Peace and Blessings. Namaste.


<---- See Our Entire Collection of Healing Sessions and Courses


Search within and you will find that God's unconditional love is freely given to all.

About David Nelmes, AS, CTC

David Nelmes David is a distinguished author, Reiki Master, and Certified Transformational Coach whose unique journey has led him to a profound understanding of the divine. Raised predominantly in a Protestant environment, he experienced a significant shift in his beliefs during his teenage and young adult years, immersing himself in evangelical and Pentecostal ideologies. However, in the late 1990s, an inner awakening ignited a profound change within him, altering his perception of God in ways he had never imagined.

As his consciousness expanded, David began to perceive a loving God—one free from requirements, devoid of fear-based motivations, and uninterested in demanding worship or sacrifice. Instead, he discovered an all-encompassing and unconditional love emanating from the Divine. This newfound perspective opened his mind to explore the teachings of "A Course in Miracles," which offered him an entirely new world of spiritual insight and revelation.

Eager to share his evolving experiences and shifted perceptions, David commenced writing articles that conveyed his profound realizations and the transformative power of seeing things from a fresh perspective. However, he understood that his own spiritual growth required ongoing dedication and the removal of significant internal barriers. Years of devoted inner work allowed him to break through these formidable blocks and redefine his identity, resulting in the authentic and inspiring individual he is today. And his spiritual journey continues to unfold, ever-expanding in its depth and wisdom.

David's literary contributions include remarkable books such as "Seeing God ...perhaps for the first time," "Breaking Through When Feeling Stuck ... And Not Getting Stuck Again," and his most recent publication, "12 Steps to Deep Inner Healing." Each of these works is meticulously crafted to offer multifaceted healing experiences, illuminating the path to self-discovery and fostering a clearer understanding of one's own essence and connection with the Divine.

With a genuine and powerful aptitude for healing, teaching, and writing, David's profound desire to share his wisdom on spirit and energy work is manifested through his captivating books, enlightening articles, transformative courses, and empowering workshops. Furthermore, his energy healing services serve as a testament to the immense quality and potency of his contributions. As David continues to delve deeper into the realms of spiritual understanding, his commitment to enriching the lives of others remains unwavering, promising even greater revelations and wisdom to be shared in the future.

Here are a few words David would like to share with you...

I love that you found this web site because I know the information and services provided here can genuinely help you to the core of your being.

"I am here only to be truly helpful." This is a phrase from A Course in Miracles that I have chosen to live by. Whenever I have felt I lost my way or wonder why I am here; what my purpose is; I remember this: "I am here only to be truly helpful."

I am a healer, writer, and teacher, and my happy goal is to share what I have learned and continue to learn. Many masters who have gone before us have great lessons and achievements, and I have learned that we partake and benefit directly from those experiences, even if they were not our own. I absorb and channel what I can from them and I share this with you through writing, healing and teaching.

I encourage you to make use of my courses and sessions, read my articles and absorb what I share. As with me, everything you learn from another, compresses time and shortens our journey back home to source, and that's the whole point or purpose of our existence, to discover our way back to Source.

Peace and blessings, forward and backward,

David Nelmes, AS, CTC