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How Do I Get Unstuck?

There's a burning question in your heart where you have searched for an answer for so long ... How do I get unstuck? There is an answer. There is a true solution. Set aside the disappointment of any other process or idea that failed, and allow yourself to relax for a moment to read this page with an open heart and mind.

This next sentence is why most other processes fail or only work for a time. Your question about how to get unstuck is a deeply embedded spiritual question, not a psychological one. Choosing to be positive, eating the right foods and being kind to people may change your life, but it won't get you unstuck, or at least not for long. If you want a temporary euphoria, then go that route, but if you truly want to resolve this problem once and for all, please read on.

Breaking Through When Feeling Stuck - Second Edition

I've been where you are right now. I understand the depth of your pain, frustration, confusion, tiredness and the emptiness that fills almost everything. Like you, I hit a wall where I could see no way out of this. I tried so many psychological and spiritual processes, and none ever fully resolved this deeply embedded feeling of being stuck. None of them helped me feel the joy that life is supposed to be. They only helped to polish the top layers, but the problems still festered and eventually came roaring back.

This circumstance resulted in me developing a process of my own to completely break through this issue and prevent it from coming back again. This 'Breaking Through' process provided a real solution for healing my spirit and mind, and prevented it from happening again.

Want to get unstuck? Well now you can break through whatever has you feeling stuck. Regardless of the depth of your psychological issues or spiritual blocks, the "Breaking Through" process provided in this book is a real solution that will provide a path for your healing and help prevent it from happening again.

Who will be helped the most by this book? If you have been feeling stuck in any aspect of your life, like with your job, finances, weight, stress, troubled relationships or your spirituality overall, you can transform your life by following the "Breaking Through" process that teaches you how to peel back, expose and resolve your issues once and for all.

Even if you are not feeling stuck but just have a few spiritual blocks you would like to clear away, the "Breaking Through" process will help you take care of them as well.

Both a paperback and Kindle version of the book are available on Amazon.

Click to see the Kindle eBook Version

Click to see the Paperback Version

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